Saturday, June 27, 2009

Daily Tweets

  • 21:14 you know you are sick of jackson coverage when you want to watch the news and seriously debate cspan with some1 talking to an empty chamber #
  • 08:33 @mnkradio not usually, with the iran situation I have been talking and retweeting more than normal #
  • 08:34 @mzmartipants I always have a huge # tabs open in a browser #
  • 19:02 good summary of the #iranelection events on bbc america just concluded #
  • 19:05 @watch__dog personally, I am guessing persiankiwi is female, but we have no evidence yet whether male, female, or even a group #iranelection #
  • 19:26 @fyrstar hmm ... I will have to work on that teleportation tech #
  • 19:28 RT @katebornstein Today is National HIV Testing Day. Seriously, please get tested. Please RT #
  • 19:28 @gwenners aww! #
  • 19:42 "second life cannot be accessed from this computer" huh!?!? #
  • 19:53 yep, tried to login with another SL account on a different client .... still got a refusal message #
  • 19:55 @paganladyserena the only one that can run sl at all usably #
  • 19:57 @paganladyserena both logins were on the same machine, so same ip and same mac #
  • 19:57 @paganladyserena same machine and client I was talking to you on earlier #
  • 20:00 @rocknorris yes, before #fixreplies I had several days where I saw several independent convos on the same theme and brainstormed an idea #
  • 20:42 @paganladyserena just filed a ticket , the error message says to email them and they eventually send you a message not to email them #
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