Saturday, June 20, 2009

Daily Tweets

  • 21:46 RT from Iran The world must not watch us - you must all join us wherever you are - #Iranelection RT RT RT #
  • 22:47 okay, that is odd, #iranelection followed by two rts seems to have displaced #iranelection? #
  • 23:00 yay! #iranelection is back!!! #
  • 23:36 really humbling that some tweets I am reading from Iran could be from ppl that will not be here by the time I wake up #
  • 23:39 RT from Iran I have one vote. I gave it to Moussavi. I have one life. I will give it for Freedom. #
  • 23:45 RT Latest update on the streets in Tehran: #iranelection PASS IT ON! #
  • 05:03 RT Very important First Aid Info in Farsi please RT #IranElection #
  • 05:04 yes, I know it is 5 am ... I could not sleep #
  • 05:09 RT "On 9/11, the world said we were all Americans. Tonight, we're all Iranian" -Daniel Mangrum #iranelection #
  • 05:26 to the Iranian protesters: know that the entire world would be proud to call you friends #iranelections #
  • 05:27 RT On her page Facebook page, Mr Mousavi's wife Zahra Rahnavard said the rally would go ahead. Source: BBC #IranElection #
  • 05:29 RT Pls RT ALL UR Followers: STRATEGIC NONVIOLENT PROTEST MANUAL #IranElection #gr88 PLZ RT RT RT #
  • 06:05 I spent the past few hours having convos with all 7 of my deities (I am a Wiccan) how they could each help over there #iranelection #
  • 07:40 as my partner and I both get up (no, not wake up) and stumble towards our computers ... #iranelection #
  • 07:48 ack .... CNN repeating the propaganda they hear from Iranian state TV sources ... after trusting twitter all week #iranelection #
  • 07:50 @ordinal you mean anyone who reads twitter got any sleep last night? #
  • 08:11 RT from Iran Full gear riot police, para-military forces with UZIs, Basij everywhere #
  • 08:47 RT Rallies starting now in Tehran, despite threats of massive bloody crackdown. #
  • 08:48 RT The rally has started, do not believe those who tell you go home. Make history, march for freedom. #iranelection #gr88 #
  • 10:50 RT video of the current conflict on bbc! uploaded seconds ago! retweet! #iranelection! #
  • 10:52 @bonkina yes, I sent them an email complaining about using the state-run TV as their sole source earlier but it bounced #
  • 10:58 bbc world news has good coverage of Iran if you have it on your cable system #
  • 10:59 RT from Iran tonight to the streets - for freedom - #Iranelection RT RT RT #
  • 11:32 RT Musavi is giving a speech at Jayhoon str Source: Ebrahim Nabavi #
  • 11:32 RT Many more out on street than is being reported. V hrd get gd info, but many say protest large, broken up in diff areas. #
  • 11:38 RT from Iran Helicopters pouring acid on people from the sky - #Iranelection #
  • 11:38 RT from Iran Mousavi - Confirmed - I have prepared for martyrdom - #Iranelection #
  • 11:42 note to ppl: follow persiankiwi ... GREAT source of Iran news #
  • 11:43 RT from Iran Mousavi - declares results of 10th Presidential Election null and void - #Iranelection RT RT RT #
  • 11:55 re @persiankiwi it is also World Refugee Day today ... remember that anyone trying to get to an embassy #iranelection #
  • 12:11 "can you go get takeout?" "sorry, I am watching several twitter feeds" (thank you tweetdeck!) #
  • 12:18 RT @persiankiwi: Mousavi - tehran TODAY - #Iranelection RT RT RT #
  • 12:18 RT From Iran: Bassij opened gunfire on people near Sadeghieh, West of Tehran,till now 4 died! #iranelection #
  • 12:36 RT @persiankiwi: Mousavi - confirmed - IF I AM ARRESTED THE NATION IS TO STRIKE INDEFINITELY - #Iranelection RT RT RT #
  • 12:37 RT @persiankiwi: - today #
  • 13:18 DC people - 3 pm tomorrow - Dupont Circle - sitin wearing green - #
  • 13:33 am I the only one that does not trust CNN 'coverage' anymore? #iranelection #
  • 13:50 RT Tehran 6-20 GIRL STANDING WITH HER FATHER MURDERED BY BASIJI #iranelection #gr88 #tehran #
  • 13:52 RT Beautiful quote today: "Iran isn't falling -- it's standing up." #
  • 13:55 RT @twitt_1: BASIJI SHOOTING YOUNG GIRLS !!! ... #iranelection #gr88 #
  • 14:06 RT IRANIANS Confirmed injured protesters removed from hospitals and taken away by Basij. INJURED GO TO EMBASSIES NOT HOSPITAL. #IranElection #
  • 15:12 RT From The White House Please RT: #IranElection Tehran #
  • 15:24 @mzmartipants well, not as much focused on the elections as the protests going on .... the elections are just tangentially related now #
  • 15:35 RT from Iran: Mousavi willing to die for Iran, but Ahmadinejad doesn't have the courage to show his face for his country. RT #
  • 16:24 @mzmartipants I am sure the talking heads will analyze it for weeks .... although seeing movies of govt agents shooting ppl ... #
  • 16:31 @mzmartipants just do not do a reprise of 'tikka to ride' .... smeg! #
  • 16:51 RT @inblueink: Eyewitness accounts from today can be read here: #iranelection #
  • 16:52 RT @JAlanGrey: People of Iran... BE STRONG... THE WORLD IS WITH YOU...#iranelection #
  • 17:05 rt @i64 This is my last tweet, I will be in the protests, I might tweet tomorrow, can't be sure about it. (sent 8 hrs ago, nada since -K) #
  • 17:16 going for a walk now, I need to get out and meditate for a bit #
  • 18:44 RT @AliDheren: Read this: CRUCIAL #IranElection #
  • 18:48 @katebornstein twitter has various limits, see if tweetie has a 'check every' option in prefs #
  • 18:51 @mzmartipants probably about the same number that were puzzled why Obama could not sternly rebuke the leaders over there yesterday #
  • 18:54 @mzmartipants I would guess ppl are influenced by having more in common with some ppl than others, plus this is a techy group of students #
  • 19:15 re @martinjonson yes, and CNN's reliance on Iranian state TV most of the day #iranelection #
  • 19:16 RT @beachfrontal: the young woman who died on camera was named Neda, she Must become a rally point a martyr. #iranelection #iranmemorial #
  • 19:33 @ashettle green brief 4 is #
  • 19:36 @ferenain @sf4t9rfan1 huh? where did I say I was ashamed of Obama? I do not envy his choice in this, but the US can not be officially in it #
  • 19:39 btw, iran memorial blog: #
  • 19:39 RT Remove housenumbers and streetnames to prevent houseraids. Worked in Czechoslovakia #iranelection #gr88 #
  • 19:46 RT @austinheap: *PERSONALLY CONFIRMED FROM #IRAN* Tanks have rolled in Tehran ... #iranelection #
  • 19:59 tanks to stop protesters and posters of Neda being made .... if it was not so sad the news would be making all sorts of China comparisons #
  • 20:04 @alidoist #
  • 20:06 @katebornstein I somehow think regular news outlets like CNN do not 'get' twitter :( #
  • 20:06 RT @persiankiwi: Good morning people of the world - #iranelection - the day of the new dawn has arrived #
  • 20:45 June 21 is midsummer, a time for magic, a LOT of protection spells will be cast by us pagans for the protesters, blessed be #iranelection #
  • 20:47 RT @persiankiwi: Brothers and sisters were killed before our eyes today - the innocent blood of the martyrs of Allah - #Iranelection #
  • 20:57 RT @persiankiwi: confirmed - Bank Melli hospital Tehran - at least 9 dead - #Iranelection #
  • 20:57 RT @persiankiwi: confirmed - hospital source - hundrends injured Saturday - #Iranelection #
  • 20:57 RT @persiankiwi: confirmed - Rasoul Hospital Tehran - at least 11 dead - #Iranelection #
  • 21:02 the leaders over there must be desperate, you NEVER create martyrs if you want to stop something! #iranelection #
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