Thursday, June 25, 2009

Daily Tweets

  • 06:04 RT Mousavi FB: Friday, We all are going 2 send GREEN BALLOONS to the sky to show that now ALL PEOPLE OF THE WORLD ARE IRANIAN. #iranelection #
  • 08:20 .@mzmartipants another idea about why ppl care about Iran: (1 of 4) #
  • 08:21 .@mzmartipants the death of Neda was all over, it was not just on an impersonal news broadcast (2 of 4) #
  • 08:22 .@mzmartipants many of us follow at least one Iranian, esp since this started, we can hear their pain (3 of 4) #
  • 08:24 .@mzmartipants in short, the situation is not abstract, it is part of our world views, there are faces/voices to the names (4 of 4) #
  • 08:26 @oxfordgirl sky news has a reputation in doing that, they like manufactured sensationalism to up their ratings #
  • 08:30 @toosinbeymen I realized that as soon as they started shooting ppl in the groin, I assume in a male-dominated society that is a huge insult #
  • 08:34 @gwenners @radicalguy hmm ... link between the tweets I just sent to @mzmartipants and the TDOR? #
  • 10:00 @pretz84 what is the source of the info about persiankiwi just being in hiding? we all hope that but it could be a rumour too #
  • 11:03 #iranelection and #neda are not the top trending topics but a basketsball player is? talk about ppl being shallow #
  • 11:15 @veronique_b true, but you would think people dying because of #iranelection would get more attention than some sports thing #
  • 11:21 @anahita2405 we have achieved Godwin! #iranelection #
  • 11:36 @natemars it shows worldwide support as green is their symbolic colour #iranelection #
  • 11:39 @mzmartipants no, but it is human nature to care more about ppl you know (at least in some small way) than anonymous ppl on the news #
  • 11:47 @toosinbeymen even if they do that I think the movement has gone WAY beyond the #iranelection now, especially after #neda was killed #
  • 13:35 #iranelection shows as the 4th trending topic now? @Twitter: PLEASE FIX THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #
  • 15:40 @tuuli1 @veronique_b I was in college for a decade, I went for my MS right after my BS and sorta did not want to leave #
  • 16:38 @sonyalynn I thought the game with that brown ovoid was the other fooseball? #
  • 16:38 @frystar multi-car? #
  • 16:40 @tuuli1 I had a typing teacher impressed with my speed and accuracy ... until she saw I was not using touch typing ... never understood that #
  • 18:39 /me is playing around with modding prims via LSL .... bwah! hah! hah! #
  • 18:40 @mnkradio la times said he died, covered by cnn #
  • 18:43 RT @SonyaLynn: RT @MissKittySF: RT @jlbec Handy Republican scandal flow chart: #
  • 18:59 @dolari seems to be a flash file, that is easy to grab ... annoying bit is the program it runs through .... maybe someone will have an idea #
  • 19:00 @gwenners came in handy for my irising door #
  • 19:08 yay! someone on the news said he hope we remember iran too between ppl focusing on MJ and Farah #
  • 20:53 @gwenners yes, <, annoying that all the news today is over 2 deaths when there were more than that each day every day the past week in Iran #
  • 20:54 @gwenners not that any death is less important than any other, but it implicitly says celebrities are more important than 'commoners' #
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